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The black history museum is located in the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich where they carried out armaments manufacture, ammunition proofing, and explosives research for the British armed forces at a site on the south bank of the River Thames in Woolwich in south-east London, England.


The museum is based around the case study of the Jewish museum , by Daniel Libeskind. I researched his ideas for the design as I used a similar concept to him. Designing based around how the Jews felt at the time of the holocaust. He creates an overall experience as well as a museum.



My design was created by the idea of perception & distortion from the topic of reality and illusion (from my research of reality). 


Which helped me produce my floor plans, as the zig zag layout does not allow you to see into the next space, as you go through the space a new piece of information is revealed, educating you more as you walk through the space. 


The one way journey allows you to take a walk in history with black people, and experience it as they did at those moments in time.


I narrowed down the Museum into five exhibition spaces; Before Slavery, During Slavery, Segregation, Hidden Figures and Black Holocaust. I wanted people to experience these events as I feel like they have had the most impact on black people.


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